PAN holder details is printed on Physical Card by Income Tax Department. It has PAN number printed on top and contains PAN holder's name, date of birth, father's name. It also has Hologram which makes it genuine ID proof for its holder. This is why Physical PAN Card from ePAN is asked to by banks or other financial institutions as proof of Identity.
Some Banks or Financial Institutions ask to present Physical PAN Card as PAN proof even though we have ePAN copy while opening bank account or any work related to loans. At such moments it is necessary to convert ePAN to Physical PAN Card.
You can get Physical PAN Card from ePAN by filling up the above ePAN to Physical Card Application Form and complete all steps with required documents.
To convert ePAN to Physical PAN Card, you need to Apply for 'ePAN to Physical PAN Card' using above Application Form and get Card delivered at home as per address mentioned in the form.
To convert ePAN to Physical PAN Card, following documents are required:
Physical Card from ePAN will be delivered to PAN Holder's Home Address by Courier mentioned in PAN Form while applying ePAN to Physical Card. Address proof having same address needs to be submitted along with application.
After applying Physical PAN Card from ePAN, you can track PAN card status on our portal at below link:
Track PAN Card Status